
Fajar Rahmad Jaya

KeyTik: The All-in-One Automation Tool

GUI-Based Keyboard Remapper with Profiles, Auto Clicker, Screen Clicker, Multiple Files Opener, AutoHotkey Script Manager and More.

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Main Profile Manager Default Mode Text Mode Programs and Devices Example Select Device Select Programs.png Key Format Example Drop Down



KeyTik has rich features, one of them is remap on specific device or programs.

Read More Features

Use Case Example

Example on what KeyTik can do and how you can use it.

Read More Use Case Example

Tips & Guide

Tips and guide how to use each features or utilize it for some uses case.

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Automation Tool

Customize KeyTik built in automation tool to your preferences.

Read More Automation Tool

Frequently Asked Questions

Is KeyTik Free?

Yes KeyTik is free. You don't need to pay to use KeyTik. Also KeyTik software didn't has any ads, so the software itself is also free ads. To monetize, i take it from GitHub sponsor and documentation websited Ads.

Is KeyTik Safe to Use?

KeyTik is safe to use. There isn't any malware or anything bad in the code. KeyTik is trusted by softpedia and got a reward as certified no spyware, no adware, no viruses. You can also try to check the source code on virus total to check whether there is any virus or not on it. We created KeyTik without any intention to harm you. We wanted to build trust with you, so we hope you can rest assured and able to use KeyTik without any worries.

Do I Really Need to Install AutoHotkey and Interception Driver?

Installing AutoHotkey is a must to run profile. This is because, each profile is using AutoHotkey to be able to do the task. For Interception driver, you don't need to install it if you don't use, assign profile on specific device feature. But, if you use assign profile on sepcific device faeture, then you must install it to make this feature work.

When I Run Profile, Can It Still Running Even When I Close KeyTik Window?

Yes, when you run your profile it's still runing even when you close KeyTik window. This is because, each profile is run using AutoHotkey which will make the profile run on background. You can view running profile on the 'Show Hidden Icon' in the taskbar.

How Can I Created Profile to do Automation Easily?

There are various way to create automation tool on KeyTik. The key is, you need to use AutoHotkey v2 script or language. The first option is to download it from internet. There are various completed AutoHotkey script you can download online. After that you can import it to KeyTik. The second option is Using AI. AI can made you an AutoHotkey script that can do automation tool you want. The last option is created yourself. If you have coding experience, you can create the automation yourself using AutoHotkey script.