Have a Suggestion or Question? #

We’d love to hear from you! Your feedback is essential for the continued improvement of KeyTik. If you have any suggestions or question, please submit it on the KeyTik Issues page.

To make it easier for you to submit feedback, we’ve provided several issue templates. Please select the one that best matches your feedback:

  • Automation Tool Suggestion: Suggest additions to KeyTik’s built-in automation tools.
  • Bug Report: Report any bugs or issues you’ve encountered to help us improve.
  • Feature Suggestion: Suggest an idea for a new feature or improvement for the project.
  • Question: Ask any question about KeyTik.
  • Supported Key Suggestion: Suggest a key to include in the list if you find some keys aren’t working.
  • Windows Warning Report: Report any Windows warnings, such as untrusted author notifications or false positives. Simply choose the most relevant template and provide as much detail as possible. Your input will help us improve KeyTik for everyone!

Thank you for your support — we truly appreciate it!

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! You can contribute by submitting a pull request for improvements, such as bug fixes, new features, or automation tool additions. Please follow the Contribution Guidelines when making contributions.